Pastoral Care
Sperrin College is a child centred school. We believe that pupils who are content and feel secure will thrive. Our aim is to create an atmosphere where all pupils feel valued as individuals, and are given the support they require in order to be a successful learner.
All members of staff at Sperrin have responsibility for the care and well-being of pupils. We operate a well structured system to ensure that pupils are looked after. Every pupil belongs to a Learning Tutor Group who are guided by a Learning Tutor. The Learning Tutor leads the class, and is responsible for monitoring the welfare needs, attendance, academic progress and behaviour of each child in their group. This teacher also delivers the Personal Development Programme on a weekly basis. Learning Tutors are supported by their Year Head who monitor their Year Group’s progress.
Pupils are additionally supported by a specialist team including our Special Educational Needs Coordinator, Counsellor and Vice Principal.
Personal Development Programme
All pupils have access to a Personal Development Programme which provides them with the opportunity to explore and discuss issues that impact their daily lives. The College uses a wide range of external speakers to enhance the pupil’s understanding of such matters. Recent talks and seminars have included, ‘Firework Safety’, ‘Love for Life’ programme and ‘Mood Matters’.
The programmes are age appropriate and are reviewed on an annual basis.
Child Protection
The College operates a specific Child Protection Policy which includes procedures to care, support and safeguard children. Mrs Chambers (Vice Principal) is the Designated Child Protection Teacher. She is supported by Mr Small, Mrs Fullen, Miss Giboney and Mr Alexander (Deputy Designated Teachers for Child Protection). Mrs Heron as Principal oversees the implementation of Child Protection Procedures.
Any parent/guardian with a Child Protection concern may contact Mrs Chambers, the Designated Child Protection Teacher.
Collective Worship
As an Integrated College our pupils come from many different religious traditions and backgrounds. The College has a very clear Christian ethos which values all faith groups, and those who do not belong to a faith group equally. Assemblies are led by the Principal, staff and pupils and include special assemblies marking the religious festivals and special days of significance for the main denominations in the school.
Readings, prayers and music used also reflect the main religious traditions.
Promoting Positive Behaviour for Learning
Policies are communicated to parents and pupils during the Induction Process and are also included in the Parent Handbook, the Homework Diary and our school website. We expect a very high level of behaviour from all our pupils in class, during free time and travelling to and from school.
Pupils who are accepted into the College must adhere to the Pupil Code of Conduct and the Positive Behaviour Policy.
Pupil Forum
At Sperrin the opinions of our pupils are valued. The Pupil Forum functions as a group in which pupils can express their views and voice ideas on issues that relate to them and our College community. The Forum is made up of pupil representatives from each year group and members of the sixth form leadership team.
House & Wellness Leaders
Complimenting the work of the Pupil Forum, our House & Wellness leaders meet to plan and organise campaigns focused on pupil well being. They have played a pivotal roll in recent success in being designated a Level 3 'Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing' school and in receiving the Diana Award Wellbeing badge.
All members of staff at Sperrin have responsibility for the care and well-being of pupils. We operate a well structured system to ensure that pupils are looked after. Every pupil belongs to a Learning Tutor Group who are guided by a Learning Tutor. The Learning Tutor leads the class, and is responsible for monitoring the welfare needs, attendance, academic progress and behaviour of each child in their group. This teacher also delivers the Personal Development Programme on a weekly basis. Learning Tutors are supported by their Year Head who monitor their Year Group’s progress.
Pupils are additionally supported by a specialist team including our Special Educational Needs Coordinator, Counsellor and Vice Principal.
Personal Development Programme
All pupils have access to a Personal Development Programme which provides them with the opportunity to explore and discuss issues that impact their daily lives. The College uses a wide range of external speakers to enhance the pupil’s understanding of such matters. Recent talks and seminars have included, ‘Firework Safety’, ‘Love for Life’ programme and ‘Mood Matters’.
The programmes are age appropriate and are reviewed on an annual basis.
Child Protection
The College operates a specific Child Protection Policy which includes procedures to care, support and safeguard children. Mrs Chambers (Vice Principal) is the Designated Child Protection Teacher. She is supported by Mr Small, Mrs Fullen, Miss Giboney and Mr Alexander (Deputy Designated Teachers for Child Protection). Mrs Heron as Principal oversees the implementation of Child Protection Procedures.
Any parent/guardian with a Child Protection concern may contact Mrs Chambers, the Designated Child Protection Teacher.
Collective Worship
As an Integrated College our pupils come from many different religious traditions and backgrounds. The College has a very clear Christian ethos which values all faith groups, and those who do not belong to a faith group equally. Assemblies are led by the Principal, staff and pupils and include special assemblies marking the religious festivals and special days of significance for the main denominations in the school.
Readings, prayers and music used also reflect the main religious traditions.
Promoting Positive Behaviour for Learning
Policies are communicated to parents and pupils during the Induction Process and are also included in the Parent Handbook, the Homework Diary and our school website. We expect a very high level of behaviour from all our pupils in class, during free time and travelling to and from school.
Pupils who are accepted into the College must adhere to the Pupil Code of Conduct and the Positive Behaviour Policy.
Pupil Forum
At Sperrin the opinions of our pupils are valued. The Pupil Forum functions as a group in which pupils can express their views and voice ideas on issues that relate to them and our College community. The Forum is made up of pupil representatives from each year group and members of the sixth form leadership team.
House & Wellness Leaders
Complimenting the work of the Pupil Forum, our House & Wellness leaders meet to plan and organise campaigns focused on pupil well being. They have played a pivotal roll in recent success in being designated a Level 3 'Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing' school and in receiving the Diana Award Wellbeing badge.